Aula de Culinária

cooking class/aula de culinária; white cookies/rosquilhas brancas

Cooking Class – Rosquilhas Brancas
Saturday, March 22, 10 am-2 pm
Ingredients, recipe card and equipment will be provided.
Take home 8 rosquilhas brancas!
Please bring your own apron and baking sheet.
$30 members of Clube Social
$40 non-members
Save your spot by calling (408) 293-0877

Chamarritas e Bailes de Roda

chamarritas/folklore dancing

Learn traditional Portuguese dances
Saturday, April 5, 5:00 pm
Optional dinner of roast chicken ($20) or roast lamb ($25) with potatoes, bread and soft drink; sweet rice ($3).
6:00-7:00 pm – Dance lessons
7:00-10:00 pm – Dancing
Reservations by April 3 for dinner only.
Call (408) 293-0877

Walk with POSSO


Join POSSO for a walk at the Great Mall
Thursday, February 20, 8:45-10:30 am
Meet at POSSO at 8:30 am
Call to reserve your spot (408) 293-0877

Chamarritas e Bailes de Roda


Learn traditional Portuguese dances
Saturday, February 8
6:00-7:00 pm – Dance lessons
7:00-10:00 pm – Dancing
Optional dinner available: roast chicken ($20) or roast goat ($25) with potatoes; crème brulée $3.
Call to reserve dinner (408) 293-0877

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