Senior Programs

Senior citizens face many problems, including illness and diminished capacity for independence and self-care, economic problems, difficulties in obtaining affordable quality housing, and often loneliness and isolation. Those who are immigrants often have these problems, compounded by language and cultural barriers.

This sector of our community receives POSSO’s primary focus and is provided with age-specific services. An up-to-date bank of information relevant to their needs is maintained, and cooperative relationships have been established with other centers and agencies that serve seniors. In this way, this special group in our community has access to the resources that will improve their quality of life.

Escort Program

This program provides scheduling, transportation, translation and interpretation, as well as advocacy for seniors by trained professionals and volunteers. In this manner, seniors can avail themselves of those resources vital to their well-being. Most trips are used to assist seniors to utilize the services of health professionals and agencies that they otherwise would not be able to access.

Clube 60

This is the social club sponsored by the POSSO that serves as the vehicle for a multitude of recreational and social activities. Its membership runs in the hundreds; members plan and participate in activities such as sightseeing trips, birthday parties, luncheons, dances, arts and crafts, as well as a variety of other activities and projects carried out both onsite and on outings.

In their desire to be productive and help support POSSO, Clube 60 members participate actively in fundraising drives for the organization. They also devote their energies to planning and evaluating the various programs and services that POSSO provides.

Nutrition Program

Begun in 1989 with a grant from Santa Clara County, this program provides as many as 110 seniors with a delicious hot lunch and an afternoon of camaraderie five times each week. This program fulfills one of POSSO’s long-range goals set many years ago, and is one of the most-enjoyed by the seniors.

Social Activities

POSSO is a community gathering place where people come together to socialize, celebrate their traditions, meet old friends and make new ones. Activities include:

  • Daily nutrition program and afternoon socializing
  • Day trips within a couple of hours driving distance
  • Weekend and longer trips around California and beyond
  • Monthly birthday parties
  • Exercise classes
  • Card parties
  • Folklore dancing
  • Thanksgiving Dinner
  • Christmas Open House

Wellness Program

POSSO offers a preventive health program that helps seniors maintain their optimum level of health and independence by providing health education and consultation with a multi-lingual social worker who coordinates the program with a registered nurse. The seniors are provided with flu vaccinations and screening exams for disease conditions that commonly affect the elderly. Seniors receive bone density, cholesterol, glaucoma, diabetes and other screening exams. Early detection of high risk or disease symptoms in seniors has enabled them to receive timely medical treatment and appropriate self-care in order to restore and maintain their optimum level of health.

Vida Activa (Active Life)

Healthy aging research has demonstrated that leading a physically active life with regular exercise is one of the most important underpinnings to a long, healthy, and independent life.  Seniors who regularly exercise have increased strength, better balance, are active and able to do the things they enjoy, and feel better both physically and emotionally.  To ensure that the seniors we serve has access to a quality physical activity program that supports their health and independence, POSSO has dedicated a specially-decorated classroom with exercise equipment, along with trained and certified staff and volunteers, to operate the “Vida Activa” (Active Life) program.   The program is designed to help our seniors become more active, energized, and empowered to sustain independent lives.  In addition to the benefits of exercise, participants greatly enjoy the camaraderie of group participation.

Walk with Ease

Seniors participate in walks three times a week led by staff and volunteers who have received program training from the Arthritis Foundation.  Each walk is preceded by warm up exercises, followed by 40-50 minutes of walking, and cool down exercises.  Besides improved strength, better balance, and reduced pain, the program also contributes to participants’ better mood due to the socialization that comes with the program.

Tax Assistance

Through the efforts of our staff and volunteers, thousands of dollars were returned to seniors in Homeowner’s and Renter’s Assistance and Renter’s Credit Programs offered by the State of California. Furthermore, financial assistance was provided to seniors through our ensuring their participation in the state’s HEAP utility assistance program and other available subsidies.


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