The United States is a nation of immigrants—shaped by the courageous people from around the world who leave their homes, lives, and loved ones to seek refuge and opportunities on our shores. Their sacrifices and entrepreneurial spirit have contributed to the rich tapestry that has defined the character of our country for generations. On June […]
Annual KSQQ Radiothon was another great success!
Thank you for the kindness and generosity shown in POSSO’s most recent fundraising campaign! As we mentioned on the radio, POSSO needs a new roof. Monies raised during this year’s radiothon will go toward building maintenance. POSSO relies heavily on our community. The funding we receive from the County of Santa Clara and the City […]
Annual POSSO Radiothon on KSQQ 96.1 fm
On Saturday, May 20th (9am-noon) Radio KSQQ – 96.1FM will donate a morning of airtime for our annual appeal. Please consider participating in this radio-thon by calling KSQQ (408) 258-9696 with your pledge and perhaps even share some experiences that you have of POSSO. Enclosed is a donation envelope for your much needed support. Thank […]
May is National Mental Health Month!
Mental Health Month raises awareness of trauma and the impact it can have on the physical, emotional, and mental well-being of children, families, and communities. Mental health is essential for a person’s overall health. Prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can recover from mental disorders and live full and productive lives. Talk with your […]
POSSO celebrou 47 anos com estilo!
Foi uma noite incrível com mais de 250 convidados! Nossos sinceros agradecimentos a todos os patrocinadores que ajudaram a tornar este evento tão bem sucedido, com agradecimentos especiais ao salão PBSJ, aos cozinheiros Roger & Helena Silveira, Joseph & Vickie Rose, João Soares, Monique Rose, Frank Silva e Andrelina Silveira pela incrível refeição! Ana Ferreira, […]
Elsa Oliveira Joins POSSO
Elsa Oliveira joined our team in March as the Community Outreach Manager. Born in Angola (parents are from São Jorge), Elsa grew up in San José. She studied psychology and sociology at the University of Oregon. Before joining us at POSSO, Elsa spent 12 years in South Africa, where she earned a doctorate degree in […]
iPad para iDosos
Neste curso de 6 semanas você aprenderá o básico sobre como operar o iPad da Apple e navegar na internet de maneiras que podem enriquecer sua vida. Durante o curso, você aprenderá a tirar fotos, usar e-mail, pesquisar informações na internet, baixar aplicativos e se conectar com pessoas pelo Facebook, e interesses importantes para você. […]
Obrigado aos Amigos dos Cedros!
SINCEROS AGRADECIMENTOS aos AMIGOS dos CEDROS de San, Jose, California pela generosa doaçao de $2,500. Em nome da POSSO, muto gratos pela vossa generosidade. SINCERE THANKS to FRIENDS of CEDROS in San, Jose, California for their generous donation of $2,500. On behalf of POSSO, we are very grateful for your generosity.
Noite Portuguesa Sucesso!
Casa cheia = sucesso tremendo! O lucro líquido foi superior a $34,000! Joe “Caracol” Nunes, Fátima Bettencourt e José Mendes estamos eternamente gratos! Aos muitos amigos que se juntaram para tornar esta noite inesquecível, seja no preparo do arroz doce, massa, comida, doações monetárias, doações para o leilão, doações das vacas (José & João Silveira) […]